
Top 6 Recruitment Mistakes for Top Talent

Harvard Graduation

January 16, 2020

There are many recruitment strategies that a company may follow. Every strategy has its own merits and challenges. Here are some recruitment mistakes companies make when trying to recruit from the United States:

Recruitment Mistake #1: Cultural Misunderstanding

American-educated applicants are ready to put themselves on display. A positive paced discussion is expected. They are prepared to be assertive ad acknowledge their achievements. Do not mistake this confidence for arrogance, however, or an inability to work well on a team.  American applicants are raise to proudly describing their achievements. In Asian countries, however, self-praising is often frowned upon, in favor of deference to seniority and modesty. In China, interviewers may often judge applicants based on a perceived ability to fit into hierarchy and selflessness. It is unusual for an applicant to interrupt the interviewer or make a joke. Applicants are expected to be completely prepared not only in their area of specialty but also in the company’s culture, history, and people.

Recruitment Mistake #2: Not Improving on Old Practice

Nowadays, big companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple are inclined towards the use of work experience as opposed to traditional academic credentials. Online academies like Coursera, Udemy , and EDX have made it effortless for ardent individuals to broaden their talents. They mix courses that are paid and not paid for so that their members can widen their knowledge and get access to excellent content for a reasonable amount. Curriculum vitae and applications missing talented people easier. GitHub and Stack Overflow are two world-class online communities that have tech professionals displaying their capabilities. In Stack Overflow, tech professionals share knowledge, ask and answer technical questions. GitHub members discover, tweak and share better codes. These two communities can be utilized by recruiters to effectively and efficiently value the potentials of applicants based on the quality of their codes, their contributions, and engagement. According to statistics obtained from Stack Overflow, 69% of their members are self-taught computer programmers.

Recruitment Mistake #3: Bad Recruitment Strategy

Companies with minimal preparation for recruiting applicants tend to risk losing capable talents to other companies. Using the United States as an example, it is easy for an applicant to rethink a company due to shaky company presentations. Companies can prevent the loss of good applicants by devising a strategy that involves the hiring manager and interview teams developing a foolproof process from start to finish. Participants should review the roles of the hiring manager and interview team to have a defined process with clarity on how interested applicants will pass through the process. This helps all parties understand their roles and obligations thereby reducing stress on applicants.

Recruitment Mistake #4: Use of Unsuitable Job Description

Poorly written job descriptions often cause applicants to lose interest. Job titles also must aligned with the company’s strategic vision and a deep understanding of the talent marketplace. Companies should utilize feedback from current employees and recruitment professionals to generate titles that appeal to the ideal applicant.

Recruitment Mistake #5: Making Assumptions

Henry Pryor, K-FORCE Recruiting Director and Career Coach, notes that applicant and recruiter relationships often encounter difficulties when sufficient time is not taken by recruiters to get acquainted with the applicants. Making unfounded assumptions about the goals and drive of applicants will not turn out well. At least one question should be dedicated to understanding the personal development goals of an applicant. Then, make sure these are in line with the trajectory of their career at the company.

Recruitment Mistake #6: A Long Poorly Designed Process

According to Stephanie Troiano at The Hire Talent, “forcing applicants through a cumbersome, lengthy and disjointed process is the easiest way to lose good applicants to other opportunities and competitors.” Rather, the focus should be placed upon creating a simple, concise and easy process. Head of HR at Travel Circus, Margarida Pfaumann emphasized and talked about difficulties that encompass the steps used application. Good applicants can be lost when labyrinths are created for applicants to navigate. An example is applicants being required to login to user accounts. Attracting and winning talents by companies must involve the company assessing the recruitment strategy they are using from the outset until it ends, adjusting those that can act as obstacles for applicants. The development of a good process of recruitment improves the recruiting process. With an intelligently designed process, applicants walk through the process strengthened, leading to a better overall effect.


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